Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

tugas 3

Dimas Tri Ariadi

10. Jack has a lot of empty papers. He wants to use them for the task. He is going to take five papers. He is now using one paper. After that, he will take ______ . Then he will put _________ for later on.
answer: Jack has a lot of empty papers. He wants to use them for the task. He is going to take five papers. He is now using one paper. After that, He will take others. Then He will put the other for later on

5. There are many people in this Mall. Some people are on the third floor. ___ are on the second Floor, shopping. ___ are on the first floor, watching the performance. ___are on the basement.
Answer : There are many people in this Mall. Some people are on the third floor. Other People are on the second Floor, shopping. Other ones are on the first floor, watching the performance. Others are on the basement.

11.Jane has six pens. She is going to take three pens for Eve and ________ for Eddy. And _________ for John.
Answer : Jane has six pens. She is going to take three pens for eve and other for Jeddy. And the other for john.

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